Omega Series Wiki
Subject 529
Species: Ject
Born: 2827 AΩX
Deadpool, Filgaia
Age: 13 (Omega Destruction)
Element: N/A
Job Class: N/A
Weapon: N/A
Appearances: Omega Destruction
Creator: Rakka

Subject 529, better known as simply Rakka is one of the Jects created at Deadpool for the war against the Global Union.




Rakka is kind but straightforward and cold heartedly ambitious, when seeking what she wants.


Subject 529[]

Over two thousands years after the death of Belial, Congressional Knight Scientists discovered some of her DNA within Belial's Cave on the island of Server. The scientists quickly realized the unbelievable genetic patterns she had, and the Congressional Knights saw this as an opportunity to create Super Soldiers to help win the war. Thousands of women were secretly injected with nanites that rewrote the genetic code of their reproductive material, of all these women, thousands of these women eventually became pregnant, 10% of the women managed to give birth, the rest either died, or had miscarriages, a mere 20% of the babies born managed to make it past the age of 3. These children were trained and tested every day non-stop to become super soldiers.

Special Powers[]

  • Metal wings (wings with restraint suppressed flight ability, unable to be used for flying only projection of razor sharp feathers, and be used as a shield)

Healing factor (can heal others by mixing his blood with theirs, can fully heal someone if it isn’t too serious ) Enhanced strength (She can be as strong as ten people) Temporal astral projection (an astral counterpart of the physical body that separates from her and travels to one or more astral planes, also can possess, and control other people. )


